Wanderlust 2017: Czech Yo’self Before You Wreck Yo’self

I totally wrecked myself in Prague. Since I had already visited this city, I had decided that I was going to lay low, rest up knowing it’s about the halfway point of the trip, and take it slow. I did no such thing.

Ice, Ice Baby

The first night in Prague, we went out to an Ice Pub near the Charles Bridge. I may have drank too much, including a shot of absinthe that knocked me on my ass. I may have also danced my life away until 4AM, but first, let me set the stage.

We, as a group, left the hotel to hop on the Metro and walk over to the club. It was downpouring and windy, we were dressed all cute, we were heading to bar made of ice.

Imagine this, a group of about 15 people running in the streets of Prague while it downpours and lightening hits all around us. Also imagine how drenched not only my shoes, but my entire everything was at the time. I was so irritated because it was one of the only times I actually put some effort into my hair – can’t win them all (also, I’m 100 percent aware of how much of a first world problem that really is).

We get on the Metro and ( still driving home the idea that) we are SOAKED we get to the club – or the “disco” as the Europeans say – they hand us mini jackets, then we head into a room made of ice. We get drinks that are in ice glasses. Hair starts to freeze, shoes start to stick to the ground, but it was so much fun.

Once we warmed up by drinking and moving around, we were ready to dance the night away. The bar has five different floors, all of which have a different theme. We ended up on the R&B and Hip Hop floor, which did not play either type of music, but more of current pop. The drinks started to flow, the dancing started unfold, the evening brought together a fun group of people, sweating away and constantly unsticking wet and sweaty clothes from their bodies. I had a blast.

Medieval Times

The next day I was pretty useless as you can imagine. We ran out and grabbed Chinese food, then I napped again. But I had scheduled to attend a Medieval Times-esq. dinner with some of the people in the group at u Pavouka. I’m so happy I had.

We showed up to a dusty basement decorated like a scene from Game of Thrones. We paid $55 for unlimited wine and beer and a five course meal. They brought out breads, appetizers, pork, soup, everything that you’d expect from this time. There was a fire breather, a lady with a snake (ew), pirates who randomly fought over only God knows what, and ladies who swing fire around while belly dancing.

We drank in excess (again), we laughed all night, and we enjoyed the show.


So, no, I wasn’t the best tourist this time around. I missed the history. I never went back out to Old Town. I didn’t even get a magnet (something I collect from each location I go to), but it was one of the best times I’ve had with the group. I was also excited to have two totally different, yet satisfying experiences in Prague.

Once again, Prague, I love you. I’ll never forget you. And something tells me, I’ll be back again for round three.

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